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Monday, July 6, 2015


Meerkats, also called suricates, have the long body and short legs characteristic of most mongooses. The body length is from ten to thirteen inches, and the tail adds an additional seven to nine inches in length. The short fur of the meerkat is grayish-brown to light gray in color, featuring dark stripes across the back. The eyes and nose are dark and form a contrast with the light-colored head and throat. The belly fur of the meerkat is rather thin, which helps to regulate the animal's body temperature. To warm up, the animal will bask in the sun while sitting up or lie belly-down on warm earth, and to relieve itself from the hot desert sun, a meerkat will lie bellydown in a cool, shaded area or inside its burrow. Meerkats are desert creatures, primarily inhabiting the Kalahari and Namib deserts and other dry, open areas of southern Africa. One of the most notable characteristics of meerkats is their extreme gregariousness. They typically live in family units of up to thirty individuals. The colony of animals occupies a home territory, and digs several systems of burrows with multiple entrances connected by tunnels and a number of distinct chambers. The colony moves several times during a year as food becomes depleted, and establishes a new system of burrows or occupies those left from a previous occupation by the group.

Group Life
Because life in the open desert is harsh and predators, such as jackals, hyenas, and birds of prey, are plentiful, the meerkat group social structure ensures that there are many individuals to act as sentries while the group is foraging for food. The sentry takes its place on a raised area such as a sandbank, bush, or tree, and constantly scans the sky and the horizon for potential predators. The keen eyes and ears of meerkats aid in their constant vigil against danger. Should a predator be spotted, the sentry barks a warning and all members rush to the protection of the burrows. When larger animals, such as hyenas, have threatened the safety of the meerkats inside the burrow, the entire meerkat colony has been seen to band together, stand on their hind legs, and confront the intruder with barking threats, successfully repelling the threatening advances of the much larger animal. The diet of meerkats consists largely of whatever is available in the harsh desert habitat. Insects, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, lizards, snakes, small mammals, birds and their eggs, roots, tubers, and other plant matter are all staples of the meerkat diet. Each individual takes its turn at sentry duty while the others forage, and the sentry is changed about every thirty minutes. Meerkats are diurnal creatures, spending much of their time foraging for food during daylight hours, except for the hottest portion of the day when they rest in the shade. Mating generally occurs between October and April, and females give birth to two to five young after a gestational period of about seventy-seven days. Mothers give birth in a specific chamber in the burrow and young are born blind, but their eyes open in twelve to fourteen days. Meerkat young begin eating solid food at about three or four weeks of age but typically nurse for eight to twelve weeks. In meerkat society, there are many individuals who "babysit" young while the mothers forage for food. Meerkat young are sexually mature about one year after birth.

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